Penis Urethral Play

Who says only the ladies can enjoy a satisfying penetration?

Typically a taboo topic but perhaps one of the kinkiest sexual practices there is, Penis Urethral Play is a form of sexual play that involves insertion of a sound or a thin sex toy into the penis or specifically the urethra which is otherwise known as the tube that drains urine out of the bladder. With the genitals packed with thousands of sensitive nerve endings, urethral sounding delivers a pleasurable sensation that catapults you to an earth-shattering peak especially if it’s inserted deep enough to stimulate the prostate. Made with different materials like glass, silicone, or metal and comes in distinct designs in the form of rings, plugs, rods, dilators, and more, find the perfect sound that suits your style, desires, and user expertise for a fun playtime that sends chills from your head to toe. Heighten your sexual satisfaction as you explore your penis to reach orgasmic pleasure.