Clitoral Vibrators

The hole is not the whole. Your clit bud needs some good rubbing too.

Clitoral vibrators are one of the many toys all girls should have in their self-care collection as it is made to massage the clitoris and give you intense orgasms that can make your whole body quiver. Bearing powerful vibration modes and distinct patterns for individual styles, clitoral vibrators stimulate the most sensitive feel-good zone of a woman’s body with its pulsating sensations to boost blood flow to the clitoris. With a wide range of variations available, from vibrators, suctions, panty teasers, lickers, toys that utilize air pressure technology, to battery-operated and rechargeable ones, you are sure to find the most fitting toy that caters to your needs and bodily desires. Be it in a solo pleasure play or in a partnered sex, always remember to never forget to give some attention to the clit for sweat-dripping, body-shivering pleasure all night long.

iroha YUKI - Tenga

iroha YUKI

Missy - Amore


Missy - Amore

