Sex Marks The Spot


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SKU 217633 Category


Sex Marks the Spot is a fun and exciting game designed to spice up your sex life. This adult game includes a game board, spinner, and various sex positions to try out with your partner. The goal of the game is to reach the finish line by successfully completing all of the sex positions on the board.

Product Specification

  • Includes game board and spinner
  • Features various sex positions
  • For couples

Usage Instructions

  1. Set up the game board in a comfortable and private location.
  2. Take turns spinning the spinner to determine which sex position to try.
  3. Attempt to successfully complete the position before moving on to the next one.
  4. The first player to reach the finish line wins!

Care Instructions

After use, wipe the game board and spinner clean with a damp cloth and store in a cool, dry place.