Dona Pheromone Perfume Aroma: Too Fabulous – 59ml


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SKU 130284 Category Brand:


Elevate your allure and captivate your senses with Dona Pheromone Perfume Aroma: Too Fabulous. This exquisite fragrance is a harmonious blend of invigorating aphrodisiacs and synthetic pheromones, designed to boost your desirability and create an unforgettable aura of attraction. It’s the perfect addition to your collection, whether you’re preparing for a special date night or simply aiming to feel irresistibly fabulous every day.

Our commitment to ethical and natural ingredients sets Dona Pheromone Perfume apart from the rest. Too Fabulous is a vegan-friendly and cruelty-free perfume, formulated without any hormones or animal byproducts. You can indulge in its long-lasting scent with peace of mind, knowing that you’re treating yourself to a product that aligns with your values.

Product Specifications:

  • Fragrance: Too Fabulous
  • Volume: 60 ml
  • Vegan-Friendly: Yes
  • Cruelty-Free: Yes
  • Ingredients: Synthetic pheromones, invigorating aphrodisiacs
  • Free from hormones and animal byproducts

Usage Instructions:

  1. Shake the bottle gently before each use to ensure an even distribution of the fragrance.
  2. Apply Dona Pheromone Perfume Aroma: Too Fabulous to pulse points, such as your wrists and neck. These areas emit heat, enhancing the scent and making it more long-lasting.
  3. Allow a few moments for the perfume to settle and mingle with your natural body chemistry, releasing its seductive aroma.
  4. Reapply as desired throughout the day or evening for a continuous and alluring presence.

Care Instructions:

  • Store your Dona Pheromone Perfume in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.
  • Keep the bottle tightly closed to preserve the fragrance’s integrity.
  • Avoid contact with eyes, and in case of contact, rinse thoroughly with water.
  • If irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately.
  • For external use only.

Experience the captivating allure of Dona Pheromone Perfume Aroma: Too Fabulous and unlock your irresistible potential with every spritz. Indulge in this sensational fragrance, knowing that it’s not only enchanting but also aligned with your values as a conscious consumer. Make every moment fabulous with Dona.