Pussy Pumps

Go the extra mile to keep the kitty happy and pump all the flesh and juices out in the name of pleasure.

A Pussy Pump or Vaginal Pump is the female counterpart of penis pumps which uses the same type of mechanism and function and delivers the same orgasmic stimulation for a pleasurable playtime. Utilizing an oh-so-sensual air pressure or vacuum, a pussy pump is designed to be placed over the vulva to engorge the vagina through its suction power that increases the blood supply, thus enhancing sensitivity for more intense stimulation. Bearing different designs, styles, materials, and are either hand-controlled or automatic pump, find the perfect toy that suits your needs, desires, and expertise so you can enjoy the gentle pause to throbbing pumps of pleasure. Whether it’s for a solo pleasure play or a fun playtime with your lover before sex, tease and please your vagina in exciting cream-dripping sensations.

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