Durex Tropical Flavors – 12s


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SKU 217310 Category Brand:


Durex Tropical Flavors is an exciting and delightful collection of flavored condoms, featuring a variety of tropical fruit flavors, including juicy mango, refreshing pineapple, and creamy coconut. Created to elevate pleasure and enhance intimacy, these condoms aim to make your sexual experiences with your partner more enjoyable and satisfying.

Each condom in this set is thoughtfully designed and coated with a unique tropical-flavored and scented lubricant, providing an additional layer of sensation to your intimate moments. This enhanced lubrication not only helps to reduce friction but also adds a deliciously playful and exotic twist to your encounters.

With Durex Tropical Flavors, you can explore new dimensions of pleasure, bringing a touch of adventure and fun to your intimate encounters. Whether you’re looking to add some excitement to your relationship or simply want to try something different, these condoms are a fantastic option to consider.

Remember, it’s essential to prioritize safety and always use condoms correctly to protect yourself and your partner against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies. Durex, as a reputable brand, ensures that their products meet high-quality standards and are designed to provide both pleasure and protection during your intimate moments.

Product Specifications:

  • Set of 12 flavored condoms
  • Flavors: Mango, Pineapple, Coconut
  • Lubricated with tropical flavored and scented lubricant
  • Made with natural rubber latex
  • Nominal width: 53mm
  • Reservoir tip for added safety

Usage Instructions:

  1. Carefully open the package and remove the condom.
  2. Check the expiration date and make sure the condom is not damaged.
  3. Place the condom on the tip of the erect penis.
  4. Roll the condom down to the base of the penis.
  5. After ejaculation, hold the base of the condom and carefully pull out to prevent spillage.

Care Instructions:

  • Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Do not use if the package is damaged or expired.
  • Do not reuse condoms.
  • Use only water-based lubricants with condoms to avoid damaging the latex.
  • If you experience any discomfort or irritation, stop using the condom immediately.